There Something Interesting Here!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Besonderes Geschenk zu ihrem

C.H.E.N.D.O.L 5022

Asalamualaikum. Well aku memang rajin update blog ni ( 7 hari setahun) nak2 time free macam ni pulak kan. Btw entry for this today not tomorow just to wish for my cik makcik @ EhemEhem@ Katik @ B*by for her besday. (Tudiaa english bersepaii) Without wasting any more time (chewahh kelas kau nyah) i would like to present for the whole world  my----
# poyo

Cik Makcik ( gambar ni nampak dia tinggi pulak)

Epy brthday to you for being there in my life, Sweet 12th years old my girl *erkkk. Thanks for being my alarm every morning even though i never wake up, Thanks for being my eyes because i'm nearsighted, Thanks for being the pompom gurl to give full support behind me, Thanks (berapa banyak thanks daaa) for being my discipline teacher coz without u i'll never go to the class, Thanks for being my writer coz i always fotocopy ur note, Thanks for being my designer coz ever assigment u make the divider for me n THANKS FOR EVERYTHING  'izzah nabilah abdullah.

"happy birthday dear Geburt. Hoffentlich den Erfolg und Glück überschüttet und erfolgreiche jenseits unserer Welt gegeben. Ich liebe dich von Herzen und hoffe, dass ihr mir gehört ein gültiger 1 Tag"

Oit jangan gatal-gatal nk google translate ye, Orang seperti dalam gambar diatas sahaja dibenarkan untuk mengogletranslate.

Adiooozz Adigozz...


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